Over the last decade or so there has been an infatuation with the “thug” persona. Popular rap artists like Tupac Shakur and more recently the Game and Plias and others have glorified the thug mentality and have thrust it into the mainstream. There are literally dozens of songs ranging from R&B to Hip-Hop to Neo-Soul which embrace the qualities of a thug relationship for women. Most followers of this movement are disheveled in the legal system and in many instances find themselves fighting multiple cases. The criminal justice system does not honor the values of the thug culture and operates on a set of rules (the law) and is not compassionate to the participants of the thug world.
Multiple arrests and convictions plague countless minorities making it difficult to impossible to shed the baggage associated with incarceration and make a meaningful transition to life in society. Often times, communities and family structures are frayed with the arrests of male heads of households and a domino effect is realized within the surrounding communities. Quality of life employment (real sustainable jobs) become more scarce with each arrest, conviction and incarceration of young minority men all while more and more women continue to seek the thug. So where does this thug life get us? Well, if history is any indication…Jail and Prison! The enticing lure of living a thug lifestyle, through entertainment and fashion, has become more than simple music. The entire entertainment “system” has been used to manipulate and corrupt millions of young minds into believing being a thug or an outlaw is “what’s up.” It certainly is “NOT what’s up!” The potential each young person possesses is invaluable and anything short of the cultivation of that potential into a working and productive entity should be unacceptable to us as a people. Hip-Hop is said to be a way of life, a culture not simply music or clothes. Well, I submit to you there are segments of our way of life which should be shunned and done away with in order to make way for a more positive one. Is a thug really and honestly the role-model you seek for your children or nephews? Is the prospect of visiting the courthouse on a routine basis in support of your "man" not depressing and tiresome? I think it is truly time to consider a CHANGE!
With the election of Barack Obama to the 44
th Presidency of the
United States of America, we have to ask ourselves how we can do better. In an interview with CNN, Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle Obama, was asked what she thought of Barack when she first met him. Michelle stated she initially thought Barack was a “Nerd” and didn’t pay him much attention but as she got to know him spiritually and mentally, she saw how wonderful he was. They of course went on to get married and have two wonderful daughters in Sasha and Malia and all we have to do is look to
November 4, 2008 to see how that
nerdy relationship turned out.
I think it’s time for women to ask more of not only their "man" but men in general. I believe it’s time to raise that incredibly low bar of achievement. It is long past the time for people to stop making excuses for why they can’t get things done. It’s time to consider the fact that being intelligent and wanting to study really is cool. It really is okay to know about topics other than those broadcast on BET and reality shows. We may also want to come to grips with the possibility our inner genius could come out if we only gave it a chance, if we only encouraged it. Ladies, I think it may be time to “date a NERD!” I’m not suggesting you go off the deep end and pick “Urkel” (although there is someone for everyone) but perhaps it’s time for a real CHANGE. You may find yourselves amazed at what life is like dating a so-called NERD. You may find it intriguing to go on a date to a museum or a light show. Introduce yourself to visiting a botanical garden or a symposium on “street life.” You may find something interesting about science and how it affects our everyday living. Give yourself the opportunity to love someone with a good credit rating and a stable job. Not having to worry about the police unless you call them is a refreshing feeling and living a simpler life so you can enjoy it is a good thing. Ladies, I implore you, raise the bar, try something new and different. Date a NERD!
Thank you Chicago Jedi. I don't know if the use of the term "nerd" will help many of these women. But most intelligent and reasonable women will understand exactly what you meant. You are a powerful ally in the "Force".
ReplyDelete-Jeff Kidd, A Jedi from the Flossmoor system