This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, friends or associates who may visit this blog or post their own opinions. In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time…I consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind and student of experience. This weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memes running around my brain, and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not the same, nor even similar, to those I may hold today. I consider the human race to be an evolving entity. Our views and standings in life are equally subject to our experiences, future knowledge, readings, and associations with other members of the human race. We should be allowed to be human and to be as the Creator intended, a free-will and independent entity who will err from time to time. Enjoy a trip around my brain.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Kanye, his church and the path to the devil

Sooooo, Kanye West has a church, huh? What does that say about where we are as a culture and as a country? How far have we fallen when we give reverence to Kanye for having a so-called church, not to mention the real teachers of the Gospel, the ones who are not leveraging their gifts against the profit others seek from their flocks? Times have truly changed, as they will always do but I fail to see how this type of change is best for our souls. How can good come from a place where “No Rules “is the mantra?

I saw an interview where Kanye’s wife, Kim Kardashian, said; “this is how church is supposed to be. No preacher, no judgement, just music and good feelings.” No standards, no accountability, just do what you want and however you feel? Here in this church, one doesn't have to live for God, you only have to sing about him. Give in to your hedonistic impulses as animals do and as the devil has been encouraging us all to do since the beginning of time. It is a downward spiral for spirituality and a battle for morals and ethics. The Church. The true church was built to teach not to entertain so when you have a church with only entertainment, you can get away with everything. You can do whatever you want without fear of accountability or responsibility.

Recently, Kanye brought his "worship service" to his home town of Chicago where hundreds of folks gathered to join into his foolishness. Videos from the event showed artists like Kurt Franklin, William Murphy and Erykah Badu who is into the practice of sorcery, chants, spells and witchcraft.  How does a so-called follower of The Most High as Murphy does, share a stage and reach out to the people with a devil worshiper? How does this compute?

Let us consider: There was an English Occultist (believer in the devil and the dark side) by the name of Aleister Crowley who founded a religion called Thelema. Crowley lived and taught by the philosophy of “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” In other words, do what you want. Don’t worry about rules or laws or accountability, just do what you want and disregard the consequences. Kanye and Jay-Z live by this philosophy and have been seen wearing T-Shirts with Crowley’s moniker. There is no fruit that is good when the roots are bad. Crowley’s Thelema religion birthed a teaching called “The Aeon of Horus.” This was just one of three forms of the religion which emphasized various forms of magical and religious expression based on Thelema. The first was Aeon of Isis, the second was The Aeon of Osiris, the last was the Aeon of Horus. Kanye’s church at Coachella is designed in the shape of the “Eye of Horus” and by doing this, he is showing everyone who his god is, lucifer.  Often, the terms magic and the universe or spirituality are juxtaposed with God and the Bible. They are not and are much further away from that sentiment than some realize. Words have meanings and they have meanings for a purpose. The purpose of these terms are clearly defined in meaning and in history. They are not of The Most High but of his fallen angel, Baal, lucifer, the devil.

Back to what we should consider: During the Aeon of Horus era, the Thelemtes believed humanity would eventually evolve into an age of consciousness, self-realization and self-actualization. This is what many modern-day religions believe such as those taught by Oprah and Joel Olsten when they preach of The Christ-Consciousness and empowering oneself. In the Christ-Consciousness movement, it is taught that man can make things happen by willing them into existence. Oprah states there are many ways to God and not just one through Jesus. The believers in Christ-Consciousness movement say there was a Jesus, but he was just one Jesus and we can all be Jesus and there are many paths to get to God.

Creflo Dollar says: “As spiritual beings who possess the nature of God, we have the ability to speak things into existence just like God did…” Let us think about his for a moment. So now we can create our own realities with the words we use? Joel Oleten said: “I believe in Christ as the savior and all but I’ve spent a lot of time in India with a lot of Hindu people. They’re nice and kind people who love God as well…” This statement alone shows Joel Olesten does not know God. Hindu people do not love God, the one true God. The Hindu faith has many gods. They are pagans and have no allegiance to God’s word. They are sun and moon worshipers just like many Africans, Chinese and Native Americans. They have many gods for many occasions. This is a stark difference in knowing the way to God through Jesus and having many gods for many reasons.

These very influential people teach reliance on self and not God. Therefore, if we are relying on self to make the changes in our lives and believe we alone can influence our circumstances, then we do not need God. We only need a stronger self.

Kanye’s church has its base in this philosophy. He even shaped his so-called church to resemble the Eye of Horus, in reverence to the Egyptian god of safety. Horus was believed by the pagans of Egypt to be the ruler of the living. They also believed his father was Osiris the Egyptian pagan god of the dead or the afterlife or lucifer and his mother was Isis, the Egyptian pagan goddess who was believed to help guide the dead go into the afterlife.
This paganistic structure is not a way to the savior but to baal (lucifer, the great deceiver, the liar, the devil). Aleister Crowley was a vast studier of the occult. He was infatuated with it. He was quoted as saying: I was not content to believe in a personal devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him personally and become his chief of staff.” Wow!

So, when we have Kanye embracing this philosophy and promoting it as freedom and reaching a higher self, he is promoting the way of the dark path. Kanye is not on an island by himself. He has elicited the support of the likes of Kirk Franklin and Chance the Rapper and others. They have all teamed up to promote an alternate version of the church and what it means to follow The Most High. This Church has all of the makings of anti-God. They are even selling merchandise at the services and categorizing them as “church clothes.”  Things like T-shirts and socks ranging from $50 - $165 each. Didn’t Jesus forbid this type of activities in the Word? Jesus kicked out the merchants and money changers from his Temple and accused them of turning the Temple into "a den of thieves" by selling these things in a holy place.

Kim says Kanye has respect for God and his so-called church is “Christian.” Respect for God? As we said, words have meanings. The Webster Dictionary defines respect as “a relation or reference to a particular thing. An act of giving particular attention or consideration. Having special regard or esteem.” So, Kanye is saying he respects God and has esteem for him. What does God require of us? Is it respect and special regard and esteem or is it to worship HIM as the Most High and to follow his word?

In Kanye’s so-called church, there is no interest in God’s word or his message. The participation in this movement is turning to false gods and false ideologies and adopting false studies and promoting this to the youth and the populous. There is no God in this place. There is only hedonism and a castration of the Word of God. A form of godliness with no power to change anyone only for a way to sell his soul to his master and leader, lucifer and thus offering more souls to him as they attend his church.

As people who follow the word of God, remember always that the devil’s purpose has always and will always be to exalt himself above God and to be like the Most High. The devil will always use his tools to confound man’s most precious gift from God, Free Will. He will use the systems of this earth to push his message and just as God uses apostles and prophets to spread his good news, Baal will use man to spread his message and lead souls away from their essence which is God.

In Isiah: 14:12-13, God reveals the devil’s mission as he shows us what was in the devil’s heart.
In these passages, God states: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

So we see here, in the Word, how the devil knows who is the ruler of the world. We see in his own words, he knows the Lord is the Most High. We also see here the devil has a mission and that mission is to be like the Lord. He knows he will never over take God or will ever beat him so he wants to be like him, like God. The devil will attempt to accomplish this by converting people to his side just as he attempted to convert Jesus in the desert. He will try to do this through exploiting God’s gift of Free Will to mankind. He will try to do this through the mediums in which we travel, like music, television, so-called teachers and entertainers like Kanye West. Kanye is undoubtedly planning for an upcoming album and is building his base. However, his base will be build on falsehoods and confusion in line with his chosen master. Remember, just like the Most High, the devil is everywhere but instead of love, he is seeking destruction and confusion. 

In Job 1:7, God asked the devil: "Where have you come from? Satan answered the Lord, "From going to and fro on the earth and from walking back and forth on it (watching what was going on)..." As we see, the devil is constantly at work. He is constantly moving around trying to push his agenda and mission of being like the Most High. Kanye and those like him are acting like the devil's most cherished children spreading his message across the globe. 

The children of God must continue to pray for good to conquer evil but they must also work through intentional actions (works without deeds are dead) of being on the look out for the devil's tactics and to fight to spread the truth of what God's word is all about.

-Bless you all in your fight of good over evil.
