This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, friends or associates who may visit this blog or post their own opinions. In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time…I consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind and student of experience. This weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memes running around my brain, and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not the same, nor even similar, to those I may hold today. I consider the human race to be an evolving entity. Our views and standings in life are equally subject to our experiences, future knowledge, readings, and associations with other members of the human race. We should be allowed to be human and to be as the Creator intended, a free-will and independent entity who will err from time to time. Enjoy a trip around my brain.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Okay, so Indicted Governor, Rod Blagojevich has seemingly thumbed his nose and a not so affectionate middle finger at the US Prosector's office and Patrick Fitzgerald by appointing Roland Burris to the vacant US Senate seat previously held by President-Elect Barack Obama. Many are questioning the Governor's sanity and his judgement through this appointment. Others are saying he is within his "legal" right to do so. What do you think? Voice YOUR thoughts here on the Jedi Blog and share that with your friends. Remember; "The WORLD needs to hear what you have to say!"


  1. Regardless of what has been said about Blagojevich, he is still within his right. Othewise, there would have ALREADY been some legal movement to relieve him of OR AT LEAST, delay him in his right to make this appointmen. The Us Prosecutor is not showing a very strong case, wles this would NOT have happened.

    I am not necessarly a Blagojevich supportor, but I do think the clais are weak.

  2. Blago represents Chicago Politics at its best; stupid and crooked! We usually only have to deal with one flaw! However, Burris is a stand up guy and probably the best appointment he could make. But it is like failing a test and then getting all the right answers. Too late Blago!!!!

  3. I had the opportunity to attend a prayer service for Roland Burris at St. John Baptist Church. ( His church for over forty years ) Roland had asked his minister, pastor Freeman to organize the service because he felt the need for PRAYER as he traveled to Washington D C to assume his rightful position as the junior senator from the State Of Illinois. The meeting was chaired by Alex Robinson. a prominent retired Chicago businessman. Prayers were given by pastor Freeman, Rolands daughter, Reverand Al Sampson, and a few others attending the service. Many others spoke offering words of support an encouragement. It was refreshing to know that Roland wanted to embark on his mission with Prayer as the wind beneath his wings. I have heard recent comments to the effect that since the appointment by the Govenor has been tainted, it is not politically or morally right for Roland to be seated in the U S Senate. I would suggest to those folks that the words Moral and Politics don't even belong in the same sentence There is no morality in politics. You and I learned long ago (or should have learned) that most politicians will say or do almost anything to get elected or re-elected. The sport of politics is in and of itself immoral. Funny how that kind of flimsy argument always seems to surface when we are involved. Blago signs the check for everyone who works for the state of Illinois including the Legislature and Secretary Of State. If he is not ligitimate, they need to turn all of their checks in. The state can use the money to pay it's expenses. It is now being reported this morning (Sunday) that Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid contacted Blago to suggest Black folks he didn,t want appointed to the seat and White folks who were acceptable. Last I heard, Reid was not a resident of Illinois. This fact if true should be a game changer in Rolands favor. No way he could continue his opposition given this as a fact. It would be GAME OVER. I'm sure Roland would appreciate the prayers and support of those of you who support his effort and of those who are in opposition but want the process to be fair and for him to be treated with the Dignity and Respect he deserves.
