This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, friends or associates who may visit this blog or post their own opinions. In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time…I consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind and student of experience. This weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memes running around my brain, and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not the same, nor even similar, to those I may hold today. I consider the human race to be an evolving entity. Our views and standings in life are equally subject to our experiences, future knowledge, readings, and associations with other members of the human race. We should be allowed to be human and to be as the Creator intended, a free-will and independent entity who will err from time to time. Enjoy a trip around my brain.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Yesterday, The Illinois Senator organized and instituted a boycott of the widely publicized first day of school for some Chicago Public School students. Meeks, who often wears two hats, organized the boycott in what he described as an effort to put pressure on law-makers to improve the school system as well as to call attention to what he believes is school funding shortages for CPS students.

As a show of purpose, Meeks offered to cancel his boycott if the Governor and other high-ranking officials including House Speaker Michael Madigan (father of Attorney General Lisa Madigan), and Senate President, Emil Jones would agree to back Meek's three year school reform package, which some estimate as being $120 Million Dollars.

Meeks' contention is CPS is not doing the most for its students and is encouraging a transfer of some CPS students to outlying suburban schools such as New Trier School located in Winnetka, Illinois. It is estimated Chicago spends approximately $10,500 per student compared to $17,000 for New Trier School.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Is Meeks right on or off base concerning this subject?

Chicago Jedi '08


  1. Gee that is just what they want a lot of little black children missing school.

    And can someone tell me why folks agreed with this particular boycott? Why not boycott something else like stores where most black people shop for things they really don't need (i.e. the lasted fashions, nails, gym shoes).

    Why the heck keep already behind students from school?

    That is one boycott that made NO SENSE!!!

  2. My question is isn't Meeks an Illinois Senator? Don't they negotiate to MAKE THE LAWS? If that's the deal then WHY does he have to boycott the system he's running? It seems contradictory as well as a conflict of interest. But I guess that's the old Illinois Politics at it's best, huh?
    Marty Swelter
    Hyde Park
