This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, friends or associates who may visit this blog or post their own opinions. In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time…I consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind and student of experience. This weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various memes running around my brain, and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not the same, nor even similar, to those I may hold today. I consider the human race to be an evolving entity. Our views and standings in life are equally subject to our experiences, future knowledge, readings, and associations with other members of the human race. We should be allowed to be human and to be as the Creator intended, a free-will and independent entity who will err from time to time. Enjoy a trip around my brain.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Do We Save the Bishop?
The Bishop presides over a 25,000 member church and has directed the paths of thousands of followers over the years. He has counseled them, prayed with them and for them, he has lifted them up from the worst areas of our society and he has offered salvation to many who did not have it upon joining New Birth. There are literally thousands of individuals today who are living a life style that many would consider upstanding. They are at the very least "better" than they were prior to the Bishop. Undoubtedly, there are just as many who will denounce the Bishop for the allegations levied against him today. They will find (and have found) ease in a quick condemnation and perhaps time will show them correct. But what if it doesn't? Will those same people rush to ask him for forgiveness as they rushed to classify him as a sex offender or a predator? I think not. There are those who are saying he should step down, that he's not qualified to lead the flock any longer. People say he's a hypocrite and should go away before he causes any further damage. People are very quick at distancing themselves from trouble. When you are doing well or earning money you are the best thing since sliced bread and everyone sings your praises however, once you step in it you are the plague or the Anti-Christ. This is not new, it's the nature of man. We like to blame others to overshadow our own insecurities and to keep from dealing with pain. It's a natural process for us. The Lord knew that when he created us. He gave us free will because he didn't want to create blind followers. He allows us to deal with our short comings in order to grow.
But what about the Bishop? Is he somehow less qualified to lead New Birth than he was last week or last year? Is he less qualified to inspire greatness because of these four young men? Does this accusation magically take away his knowledge of the Word and leave him less of a man of God? If the allegations turn out to be true, does that mean all the lives and all the people he and New Birth have saved and have given brighter outlooks are negated? Is the man who was a drunk and a drug addict and is now living upstanding and a family man because of his attendance at New Birth or from his hearing the message delivered by the Bishop supposed to recant his gift? Should we declare all the good insignificant because of this action? I don't think that's right. In fact, I think it's anti-christian. I think now is the right time for the people who have been shown the glory of God and what he can do (and has done) to stand up and say we support the Bishop guilty or not. He has done wonderful things for us. If he is determined to be guilty, they should (we should) give him the same guidance, support and love he (and New Birth) has given those whom no one else cared about.
Now, I'm not one of those bleeding heart types who believes everyone is capable of redemption. I mean there are those of us who are just too embodied with evil to turn away. After all, the devil has his army as well. The point is, however, this world is too filled with the "what have you done for me lately" mentality. You can be a hero for millions for years and then fail to pay your taxes or you run a stop sign or you hit your wife or you are found guilty of BEING A HUMAN BEING with occasional lapses in judgment, then you are placed in the category of loser. I don't think this is fair. We are all human and we are born with imperfection so we should be allowed to err once in awhile.
This is just my $.02 as the CHICAGO JEDI! What's yours?