A lot of people on both sides are commenting on the nomination of United States President, Barack Obama for a Nobel Peace Prize. With only 9 months into his Presidential bid, Mr. Obama has managed to accomplish what few have in the same amount of time.
Thorbjorn Jagland,the Nobel Peace Prize committee judge, said the decision was "unanimous" and came easily."Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future."
Obviously, there are individuals who disagree with the nomination and they are usually the ones who disagree with mostly everything the President does. It is their own survival that is at stake so spouting dissention and confusion is what is in their best interests, not the unity and effort of solidarity for the American People. I, like most Americans, have serious ideological issues with certain individuals and have learned over the years to agree to disagree or to have an intellegent debate about the differences and still manage to get a fair amount of sleep. With that being said, I can respect a person who has an alternate view point as long as they can intellegently defend it. I, not unlike the President, have found common ground with those I respect and disagree because it's not personal with me. However, I have found it rare that those who report from the extreme sides of the coins maintain their objectivity and fairness. Perhaps that's why they are considered extreme in the first place.
Nevertheless, I think when it comes to the President, it goes beyond extreeme. In fact, I would go on a limb and say it borders hate and intentional disrespect for our (and theirs) Commander In Chief. When Senators like Jo Wilson of South Carolina feel it appropriate to shout out "YOU LIE!" during a Presidential address instead of speaking privately with the President or through a vote on the Senate floor or when Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League as he describes Obama's receiving the award "tokenism or that it cheapens the award to the point that it means nothing, it's just a token....He hasn't done a thing except talk. ... So it demeans the prize to the point that it has no significance. And it's a shame because it belittles all those people that went before." These comments among the countless others including the infamous poster of the President's face being painted as the "JOKER" by an anonymous creator or the First Lady as a stepit and fetchit slave goes beyond the normal acceptable boundaries.
So what's all the fuss about anyway? Who questions the committee who has delivered the nominations for decades? Could it be the leaders of the south still find it difficult to take direction from a Black man? Could it be they are still in robot mode and cannot flip that switch off Hannity and Rush talking points and THINK for themselves? OR is it just what we call in the hood, "hating"? I'm not sure perhaps it's a combination of all. The bottoom line for the JEDI is; "RESPECT THE OFFICE of THE PRESIDENCY even if you disagree with who is in the spot." Where are your good intentions? It's perfectly okay to criticize the President and to hold him accountable for his actions and policies just as we did Bush, it is entirely another thing to blatenly disrespect the MAN who is Commander in Chief on the level it has been done since November 2008. Get your debate game on, haters. Stop yelling out from the sidelines without being ready to offer some substantive solutions to the table. I don't mean one-sided, all or nothing, my way or the high way solutions either. Real, inclusive measures that are designed to give those of us who have not had the opportunity for CENTURIES a chance to CHANGE things for the masses and not just the few. OH but wait, I forgot that's not in "their" best interests, just ours!